Thursday, February 23, 2017

Benefits of Laser Dentistry

The application of lasers in dentistry gives Dr. Nick Mobilia of Elite Dental Arts plenty of opportunities to perform a wide variety of dental procedures that they otherwise may not be capable of performing. Dental lasers can be used to reduce the comfort of canker and cold sores as well as expose partially erupted wisdom teeth, and help treat tooth infections. In dentistry, lasers are a safe and effective way to provide patients with precision treatment that minimizes pain and recovery time.

There are several advantages to laser dentistry. For example, dentists may not need to use a drill or administer anesthesia in some procedures, allowing patients to be more relaxed. Laser procedures are more precise and can reduce symptoms and healing times associated with traditional treatments. In addition, lasers can reduce bacteria in both diseased gum tissue and in tooth cavities, and control bleeding during surgery.

To learn about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Nick Mobilia of Elite Dental Arts here in New York, NY, call our office at 212-681-0939.

Nick M. Mobilia, DDS
9 East 45th Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10017

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Brushing with Traditional Braces

If you have braces, you should be working overtime on practicing proper oral hygiene. This is because braces have tiny spaces where food particles and plaque get trapped, and inadequate cleaning while wearing these wires can cause enamel staining and tooth decay around brackets or bands. Dr. Nick Mobilia of Elite Dental Arts can’t stand behind you to monitor how you often you brush, but he can provide you with the following routine that will help make brushing with traditional braces both simple and effective.

  • Prepare to brush – take off elastics, and any other removable parts of your orthodontic appliance.

  • Clean your braces – use your brush at a 45-degree angle to clean around the wires and pins of your braces. Brush the top of each wire and then from the bottom. Take time to ensure that all plaque and debris are removed.

  • Brush your teeth – clean each tooth individually. First, place your brush at a 45-degree angle to the junction between the tooth and the gum, and then apply gentle pressure as you move in a circular motion. Use the same brushing action on all outer and inner tooth surfaces, tilting the brush as needed to better reach the insides of smaller front teeth.

If you have questions about orthodontic oral care, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Nick Mobilia of Elite Dental Arts here in New York, NY, call our office at 212-681-0939.

Nick M. Mobilia, DDS
9 East 45th Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10017

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive?

Tooth sensitivity can be mild at first, but it can often develop into worsened pain if not taken care of. Here at Elite Dental Arts in New York, NY, we want our patients to know some common reasons for tooth sensitivity.

Tooth sensitivity can occur for many reasons. Whatever the case, the sensitivity is from the nerve endings within a tooth being exposed. Sensitivity is often felt with cold food or drinks, hot food or drinks, air exposure, sweetness, or sourness. Sticky foods can also irritate a sensitive tooth.

Some of the most common reasons for tooth sensitivity include cavities, worn down enamel and receded gums. Keep these tips in mind to avoid creating these conditions:

  • Make sure to wait at least thirty minutes after eating or drinking anything but water to brush your teeth. The acid in food and drinks can actually soften our enamel and when we brush, it erodes our enamel.

  • Try to stay away from very acidic foods like lollipops, soda pop, and sour candy.

  • Brushing too harshly can wear down enamel and irritate gums, so remember that only a light touch is needed to clean teeth. In addition, try using a sensitivity toothpaste to help relieve sensitivity.

If you suspect you have a cavity or a tooth infection, be sure to see us as soon as possible. If you are experiencing sensitivity of any kind, schedule an appointment with us to ensure it is nothing serious. We can then help you determine the cause. To schedule an appointment in our New York, NY office, call Elite Dental Arts at (212) 681-0939 or visit our website,

Nick M. Mobilia, DDS
9 East 45th Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10017
(212) 681-0939


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Why Do I Have Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are often removed for health reasons. Either they do not fit or they are causing overgrowth of bacteria. Occasionally, they are okay to keep, but with so many of us having them extracted, you may wonder why we even have them in the first place. At Elite Dental Arts in New York, NY, we can safely extract your wisdom teeth to protect your oral and overall health. Take a look at why it is thought we have wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth are thought to have had a purpose around 20,000 years ago, but not so much now. Back then, humans may have needed an extra set of teeth to chew through the hard items in their diet like roots, leaves, and uncooked meat. Nowadays, we have ways of cooking our foods so they are not so tough to chew. Also, since then, the sizes of humans’ jaws and faces have gotten smaller; explaining why many of us do not have enough room for wisdom teeth.

While there are a few of us lucky ones who are born without wisdom teeth, many of us have them and need them taken out. If you think your wisdom teeth may be growing in, be sure to schedule an appointment here in our New York, NY office. To schedule, call Elite Dental Arts at (212) 681-0939 or visit our website,

Nick M. Mobilia, DDS
9 East 45th Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10017
(212) 681-0939