Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Foods that Improve Bad Breath


Bad breath can be embarrassing, especially if someone else notices before you do. Bad breath can be easy to mask but when it becomes persistent it may be problematic. Certain foods can taint your breath for hours, which is why we’d like to educate our patients on foods that can improve the smell of bad breath. To ultimately prevent bad breath, you should schedule routine checkups with Dr. Nick Mobilia of Elite Dental Arts twice a year.

Bad breath begins with diet and proper oral hygiene habits. After eating foods like tuna, onions, or garlic a simple solution to bad breath would be chewing gum or mints that contain xylitol. Foods that help mask bad breath include yogurt, as well as fruits and vegetables that have high water content. Additionally, it’s always beneficial to brush, floss, and use an American Dental Association approved mouth rinse.

If you have questions or concerns about periodontal disease, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at our practice, visit www.elitedentalarts.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Nick Mobilia of Elite Dental Arts here in New York, NY, call our office at 212-681-0939.


Nick M. Mobilia, DDS
9 East 45th Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10017

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