Some people may snore after a long, exhausting day of strenuous activities, while others may snore due to an underlying medical condition. Snoring occurs because the air flow in the mouth is physically obstructed. Obstruction can be caused by several reasons, such as poor muscle tone in the throat and tongue, obstructed nasal airways from a deviated septum, or bulky throat tissue due to obesity. Regardless of what’s causing you or your partner to snore, Dr. Nick Mobilia of Elite Dental Arts has a solution.
People who snore on a frequent basis run several health risks, including sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is dangerous for many reasons because sleep apnea causes a person to pause and stop breathing during sleep. Sleep apnea increases a person’s risk of a heart attack and is also the leading cause of automobile accidents, due to falling asleep at the wheel. If you experience symptoms of constant fatigue, falling asleep during normal waking hours, or if your partner is pestering you, discuss your treatment options, today.
If you have questions or concerns about sleep apnea, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Nick Mobilia of Elite Dental Arts here in New York, NY, call our office at 212-681-0939.
Nick M. Mobilia, DDS
9 East 45th Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10017 (212)681-0939
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