Monday, March 4, 2019

Botox For Dentistry

Did you know that Botox isn’t just for cosmetic purposes? In Dentistry, Botox can be used to treat orofacial conditions. It can help reduce the destruction of your teeth, gums, and jaw joint by relaxing your muscles. This also reduces discomfort and pain in these areas of your face. There are many other positive uses as well. If you are interested in botox for dentistry, schedule an appointment with Dr. Nick M. Mobilia, D.D.S., at Elite Dental Arts in New York.


Botox is derived from the bacterium that causes botulism. The neurotoxin is harvested and purified in a lab to make it viable for treatment. Botox is injected into a muscle, attaching to the nerve endings. The toxin will block nerve signals to the muscles, preventing contractions. This can last for three to four months. In the dental world, Botox can be used to treat clenching of the jaw, TMD, and headaches.


At your appointment, Dr. Mobilia and our staff will provide you with all the necessary treatment information. This includes cost, benefits, and risks. Advantages are immediate results, no recovery time and minimal complications. Some minor disadvantages are the cost, the repeated treatment, and the possibility of botox accidentally spreading throughout the body. Many believe that the benefits outweigh the risks. Botox can be the only solution for patients where other treatments have failed.


If you are interested in botox for density, schedule an appointment with Dr. Nick M. Mobilia, D.D.S. Elite Dental Arts is located in New York, NY. For appointments, visit our website or call 212-681-0939.


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